About Consist

Doxi Digital Signature was developed by Consist Systems & Technologies, part of the Consist Software Solutions Worldwide Group. Founded in 1972, Consist is a leading high-tech and business information technology company headquartered in New York which operates offices and development centers in Israel, Germany, South America, Mexico, Spain and the United States. The global group employs over 1000 professionals and has thousands of customers in dozens of countries worldwide.

Consist Systems & Technologies in Israel has more than 1500 customers in EMEA, including leading companies in nearly all sectors of the economy: Israel’s largest banks and financial institutions, insurance companies, energy companies, healthcare centers and organizations, retail and supermarket chains, dozens of government offices and municipalities, pharmaceutical companies, leading academic centers and many more.

The software areas covered by Consist include banking systems, Omnichannel communication solutions, Output Management Systems, Customer Communication Management systems, ITSM and ESM Service Desk Management Solutions, Digital Signature System, Smart & Accessible Digital form and document solutions, Chat and Voice BOT solutions, Knowledge Management Systems, Data Security systems, Insider threat and cyber protection solutions and much more.

Consist Software Solutions - offices and development centers worldwide

2 Granit St. Kiriat Arie

Petah Tikva, Israel 4913000

Tel: + 972 – 9204111

 e-mail: [email protected]


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